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Photo Prints

The highest quality prints made with care on professional photo papers.


Nataliearth prints on the finest quality professional photo paper.

Traditional prints are printed on the highest quality photo papers. We have selected the best-fitted type of photo paper to display Natalie's Photographs. We selected multiple photo papers based on the size of the print. 


We locally print our own 5” x 7”, 8” x 10”, & 11” x 14” and we use professional-quality luster inkjet paper for its dynamic color and pearl texture paper to bring out finer and deeper features of the photograph. 


We promptly only use genuine canon ink for their incredible stunning colors and we can guarantee the longevity of colors will last 10+ years, with the correct print care. 


We outsource larger prints (12" x 18" and larger) from a California-based company, that specializes in providing the highest quality products. We select the print surface Kodak ENDURA Lustre “E” for its brilliant colors and its exquisite grain surface. In addition, they use archival inks to bring Natalie’s landscape and nature photography qualities richness and details even further. 

Available Sizes & Type of Paper: â€‹â€‹

  • Pacific Inkjet Professional Luster Inkjet Photo Paper: 5 x 7", 8 x 10", & 11 x 14"

  • Kodak ENDURA Lustre “E” : 12 x 18" and up!

Production Time: 2 - 3 Days

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