In 1982, a devastating hurricane named Hurricane Iwa hit the Hawaiian Islands chain and caused widespread destruction. Among the many consequences of the hurricane, an unexpected one was the sudden proliferation of roosters and chickens on the island of Kaua'i. The strong winds destroyed most of the island's coops and blew countless chickens out of farms, scattering them from coast to coast. The surviving chickens, left to fend for themselves in the wild, began to multiply remarkably. With its warm and humid conditions, the Hawaiian climate proved to be an ideal environment for the chickens to thrive in. Over time, the chicken population grew exponentially and can now be found all over the island. As a result, the sight and sounds of roosters and chickens have become an integral part of Hawaiian culture and lifestyle.
Kaua'i Rooster No.1, 2023
Natalie provides two varieties of photography prints: Traditional Luster and Metal Aluminum. Prints come signed by Natalie, but if you prefer them unsigned, you can request them by including a comment. Our prints are of top-notch quality and offer vibrant colors, exceptional details, and superior longevity. Please visit our website's "About" section to learn more about our art mediums.